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2022-06-20 00:32:16 -05:00
Authors Note: All characters in this story are 18 or over. Any resemblance to people (living or dead) is purely coincidental. I was inspired to write this after a recent camping trip. Turns out, sex in the outdoors is good, but fantasies about sex in the woods is way better. No bugs, for one, and you only get interrupted when that would be hot. As always, enjoy, and I hope you have as good a time reading this as I had writing it. This is Part 1 of a series... Probably 3 parts? We'll see.
Brightly colored fall foliage zipped past my car window at sixty miles an hour as I headed north to my last camping trip of the season. Straight roads well off the beaten path meant I was making good time, and according to the maps app on my phone Id be at Torrence State Park within an hour. I had been looking forward to this for the last week. Julia and I had finally broken it off and I really needed this trip to clear my head.
Wed been seeing each other for a year and a half, but it seemed like it wasnt going to work. We just approached everything too differently. She was a planner who wanted every question answered before making a decision, while I was a romantic who liked to go with the flow. Our final fight had been a bitter shouting match last Saturday. It was my fault, I knew. As wed been falling asleep together, Id suddenly sat up and murmured over to her, “You know, I think we should have a baby. Wouldnt that be so beautiful?”
Shed rolled over and laughed, until she caught my eye and realized I wasnt joking. “Youre serious. God, Vic, what the hell are you talking about? You know Im focused on my career right now. You cant just drop something like this on me.”
It was all downhill from there. Frankly, Id known that it wasnt right. Wed been on thin ice for a while. I guess I had been hoping that shed understand, at least—we just couldnt communicate about things like that. She was ambitious and fastidious, and I was neither of those things. Ultimately Id realized that what I really wanted was someone whod be ok with change, someone who wanted to be there to face it with me. Any change in Julies life needed to be triple-checked and peer-reviewed. Our whole relationship, shed had an IUD and used spermicide every time we had sex, even though we used condoms every time. She was the epitome of “Better safe than sorry,” and Id realized that I felt totally stifled. I guess that was what clued me in to the fact that it was time to be done.
So, wed broken it off. And here I was, still worrying over whether Id made the right decision. After all, Julie had always been convincing, always justifying every little action. The trip up to Torrence was just what I needed to focus, see how I felt, really understand what I wanted. I decided that this should be the last thought I spared this week on Julies account. Instead, as I sailed between crimson, leafy waves of foliage, I counted the other cars and paid attention to the fluffy clouds that migrated across the horizon, blowing on the wind that carried my troubled thoughts away.
I pulled in to the ranger station and hopped out of my car. There was another car already parked, a white Toyota Corolla with a rusted frame, along with a brown pickup with a State Park decal on the door. A worn, dented golden bell chimed at the top of the door as I swung it open and stepped inside to find a tired-looking ranger in his 40s listening with a slightly exasperated expression to a woman around my age talking his ear off.
“And youre sure that they already went to the site? I just dont want to miss them if youve got the wrong campsite or something.” She tossed her auburn hair over her shoulder with one hand.
“No, Im quite certain. Claude Thomas was the name, and theres only one campsite 27. We dont have that many guests this time of year. I think it was two gentlemen and three ladies? Silver minivan, maybe,” the ranger recollected, scratching his bearded chin.
With a frown, she made a little harrumph and put one hand on her hip. “Ugh. Yeah, that sounds like them. I just dont get it, we were supposed to meet here. Glad I asked you eventually, I was starting to get worried. I guess I better catch up with them!”
She turned on her heel and smacked directly into me. Id been standing in the doorway, sort of embarrassed to be catching her conversation, and somewhat lost in thought. The collision brought me right back to reality. I suddenly processed her in a totally different way than I had before, and Id checked her out, heel to head, before I knew what I was doing. The first thing I noticed was her tits, since theyd collided directly with me—she couldnt possibly have been wearing a bra under her sweatshirt, yet her tits were pert enough to press into me, probably a generous C cup. My cock was hard nearly immediately and I was suddenly aware that it had been nearly two weeks since I had cum last, from a hurried handjob Julie had given me before we went out to her favorite club. I could only hope that the woman hadnt noticed my shafts instant reaction. As my eyes flew up her, I took in her flowy, stretchy pants that somehow managed to cling to her hips and highlight her cute ass, along with a pair of heavy leather boots that seemed out of place. Finally, I looked up at her face and couldnt help but notice how clear her skin was, along with her beautiful deep-brown eyes that flashed up to lock with mine.
The womans face flushed and she mumbled an apology, biting her lip for a moment and then pushing past me and out the door. I froze up and couldnt do anything but turn and stare after her, watching her ass for a moment out the glass pane in the door until she hopped into the Corolla and fired up the engine, reversing out of the parking spot and driving on into the campground.
I shook myself and turned to the middle-aged ranger. “What was that all about? Everything good?”
“Oh, nothing much. That young woman had been sitting on the deck for about an hour and a half waiting for her friends, until she finally came inside only to discover that theyd arrived before her. I do feel bad, I should have realized. Its not like were likely to have any more walk-ins at this hour. Im guessing youre Victor in campsite 31?” He pulled out a 3-ring binder and turned the page, tapping it with his pen.
“Wow, that few visitors tonight? With the weather this nice I thought for sure there would be a lot of people here.”
The ranger shrugged. “Its been a light year, and its late in the season. If you wanna know the truth, theres not likely to be anyone else but you and that young womans party in the whole park tonight. Do you want a different campsite? Youre pretty close to their site, and if I know my business Id guess that theyre going to be up til all hours. You can have your pick of the rest,” he said, proffering a campground map.
I looked over the map, then hesitated. My original site was next to the bathrooms, so anyone from the other sites would have to walk right past my tent. In the back of my mind, I couldnt help but think of the woman who Id just bumped into, and while I knew realistically Id likely never share more than a glance with her again, something held me back from switching away from the group. Call it a belief in fate, or the horny irrationality of a man in desperate need of a rebound fuck, but I couldnt help but imagine the way shed felt up against me in that moment and the graceful curve of her petite nose.
I pushed the map back to the older man. “Nah, keep me in the same spot. Im kind of a go-with-the-flow type guy. So Im just gonna go with it. Im a heavy sleeper, anyways,” I lied. In reality, I wasnt so sure of my ability to get much sleep. I hadnt been resting well since Julie and I split up.
Scratching again at his beard, he eyed me oddly, but didnt comment. “Firewoods in the shed behind the building, I saw that you paid for a bundle. You can pick it out yourself, and if you need more, come get an extra one, on the house. Seasons ending and anything we dont use gets used for the staff party in a few weeks, and we have way more than we can handle right now.”
He tore a paper off a pad and passed it across the counter, reminded me to stick it to the post at the front of the parking pad, and wandered back to the office. I headed out and slipped back into the car, picking up a bundle of firewood on my way.
It didnt take me long to get the tent set up and a fire started. I sliced open a packet of hot dogs and skewered one, and the aroma of toasty, mechanically separated meat brought back a surge of childhood memories. Seemed like there was always someone around when I was younger. Maybe I never really learned how to just, be alone, I thought to myself, biting into the hot dog.
I was suddenly and forcefully brought back to reality by a shout from the neighboring campsite and a football ricocheting off the back corner of my car and missing my fire pit by inches before finally rolling to a stop at my feet. I looked up as an entirely unapologetic man crashed through the foliage between our campsites, brown eyes searching.
“Hey man, can I grab that ball back?” He gestured towards the football as a blonde woman in a red flannel tied off above a pair of high-waisted jeans crashed after him, a half-full bottle of wine in her hand.
I shrugged and was about to try to politely but pointedly ask them to be more careful. Before I could, however, the woman interjected. “Ohhmigod Claude cmon, you gotta take another shot since you missed.” She tugged insistently at his hand as he scooped the ball up.
With one last glance he grabbed her ass and pulled her back away from my fire. As the walked away, he called back “Thanks man, have a good one,” before disappearing before Id even had a chance to say a word.
I murmured “Well, apology accepted,” and looked longingly down the road towards the many open sites that werent occupied. It was already looking to be a long night, and as I finished dinner, a crackle and heavy drumbeat informed me that the quiet isolation I came here seeking was going to be much harder to find since Id decided to go with the flow this particular time.
With a frustrated sigh at my own decisions, I pulled out a map of the park and searched for a suitably remote-seeming trailhead.
Soon enough I was walking down the gravel track towards a worn signpost next to a clay path. The fall air carried the fragrant scent of sun-warmed leaves, and I couldnt help but lose myself in the beauty of the late afternoon. This was exactly why Id come here, and I quickly lost myself in the crunch of fallen leaves and the mild burn of my legs as I hiked. The path carried me like a twig in a stream, inexorably drawing me up to the overlook promised by the brochure.
The trees were brilliant, leaves glowing orange and red all around me as the sun crept lower in the sky. The path wound around heavy rocks and fallen logs but I kept pausing to admire the beauty around me. I couldnt help but reflect on the ways that Id missed this. The last months of my relationship with Julia had felt tense and stormy, like the air between us was constantly charged with static electricity. For me at least, it was so easy to lose sight of the world, buried in the day to day mundanities that seemed to offer nothing but stress and tension when Julia and I were fighting.
It still seemed strange to me that shed said she was happy together. To me it had always felt like the things that made her happiest about the relationship were ones I was compromising on, that she seemed to have a path laid out for herself that I had to learn to accommodate. I couldnt help but feel as though we were living in separate worlds, a double-exposed photograph that ultimately couldnt be viewed as a unified whole.
I just need to recognize that we werent gonna work, I reflected. She wanted one thing, I needed another. So even if it hurt, shell understand that it wasnt right someday.
Finally, the tree-lined path opened out onto a bare rock face with a gorgeous view of the entire state park. The world was a blanket spread before me, a patchwork of farm fields quilted together with ribbons of fall foliage. I settled on the ground, leaned up against a log, and watched as the sun crept lower and lower in the sky, pulling a granola bar from my backpack. It felt right to be up here, like Id found what I was searching for on my trip.
Eventually, before the sun started to dip below the horizon, I rose from the leaf-covered rock and began the trek back to my campsite.
Despite the noise from the neighbors, the sense of peace Id gained from my hike stayed with me. I dug out a pair of earbuds buried in my cars glove compartment and tossed them in while I watched the leaves fall and dug out a book to read for an hour or so, until the darkness grew too insistent to be ignored.
Finally, I crawled into my tent and closed my eyes, trying to get to sleep despite the blaring music from the camper next door. Remarkably, it didnt take long before sleep claimed me and I was swept away on a hazy tide, despite the throbbing beat that echoed through the woods.
It must have been around 1am when I slowly became conscious of a zipping noise. I wasnt fully awake until with a soft crash, a shape tumbled through the door of the tent and fully onto me, winding me.
As she sat up straddling me, I recognized the guest as the woman Id run into while checking in at the campground despite the near-complete darkness. She ground her hips on me and flicked the zipper on the door closed with a single, clean motion. She leaned down towards my form in the darkness and gyrated her hips, pressing against my instantly hard cock. I smelled liquor on her breath as she slurred in a hushed voice, “Ooh Claude, ready to go now are we? I thought you didnt want to tonight…”
I immediately opened my mouth to protest but before I could do more than mumble a confused syllable, she shoved a drunken finger into my mouth, silencing me. “Nuh uh, dont want to let the others know what were up to baby, I remember.” She leaned in. “Im your good little girl, Claude, and you can do anything you want to me. Take me however you want.”
With that, she ground her legging-clad mound against my cock. I was sleeping under a single sheet with only a pair of boxer briefs on, and she moaned appreciatively as I involuntarily twitched against her in response. “Youre so hard and big for me tonight, baby,” she said as she quickly pulled her sweatshirt off and cast it aside.
In the dark, I could feel more than I could see her outline, a forest spirit with beautiful, curving tits and a narrow waist that my hands sought out of their own accord. Further protests died in my mouth as my hands roamed lower, tracing the curve of her hips down to her round ass, pulling her tight against my cock and beginning to grind back in earnest as she purred and curled down, rubbing her breasts against my bare chest. I could feel her nipples harden as she kissed my neck with a soft passion. Without considering what was happening, I slipped a hand into the waistband of her leggings and found her warm, wet slit.
Her breath caught as I began to rub lazy circles, spiraling in to her clit. To my surprise, she reacted like a pent-up spring, drawing shuddering breaths as she murmured against my neck, “Fuck baby please, please… Ive needed this so bad, I know you dont like it but I need more please, Ill do anything…”
Obligingly, I ran my fingers gently in tighter and tighter circles, my other hand guiding her hips to match my pace, bringing her breathing to peaks and then backing away for a bit until her moans were only whimpers. Then and only then did I finally tighten my strokes all the way in the way I could tell shed been desiring, her breaths growing shorter until her whole body shook and she clenched against me, wrapping me up in a tight embrace.
When her orgasm had subsided, my conscience began to get the better of me and I again moved to open my mouth but she quickly shushed me again. “Claude… fuck. Whyve you been making me wait for that?” She giggled softly, hiccuped, then reached down and started to tug at her pants.
“Please, I need you in me so fucking bad. Im drenched after that,” she murmured, pulling her leggings off with remarkable ease for someone who still seemed quite drunk. Any final thought of trying to stop her disappeared as she began to tug on my underwear, her hands softly cupping my hard cock which twitched at the sensation. The consequences of inaction simply ceased to exist as the pleasure of her touch rocketed through me, her hand wrapping around my cock and gently pointing it up into her.
She leaned down, her bare tits brushing me, as she slowly lowered herself onto my swollen cock with a moan. "I promise I'll let you pull out and grab a condom in a minute baby but I just need you bare first, you feel so fucking good."
In my sleep-addled state, I hadn't even thought of protection, and I wasn't about to grab it now. As she began to gyrate her hips, pleasuring me with a quiet moan, I could focus on nothing but the explosive, violent need building inside me. Her pussy felt incredible, totally enveloping me, and with every stroke, it felt like I was buried deeper inside her.
I felt my dick twitch, and I imagined the precum that I'd just left smeared deep inside her tight pussy. She giggled, pushing herself all the way onto me with a moan. "You're so deep inside me tonight, baby... And being so patient with me tonight too, usually you're so paranoid I'll make you cum. It's been forever since I've gotten to feel you twitch like that inside me.. Aren't you going to make me stop, get a condom? Or are you finally going to just keep going and we can just say to hell with the consequences?"
Of course, by that point I was barely paying attention to what she was saying. I sat up and with a quick motion and flipped her over, grabbing her ass to lift her to loom above her now. She made an adorable little yelp of pleasure at the shift, my dick still buried inside her. My thrusts became more insistent, desperate, as I grew closer to my climax.
She felt like heaven as I leaned down close to her, nuzzling her neck, and she moaned with pleasure. I could feel her pussy beginning to spasm as she got closer to an orgasm too, and she moaned in my ear "Don't stop baby, I'm so close, please, just a little longer and I'll let you get a condom..."
I couldn't help but do my best to oblige, continuing my intense, deep strokes, grinding against her mound when I bottomed out inside her with each stroke. She pushed back against me and bucked her hips, approaching her finish, and suddenly our eyes locked. I saw a glimmer of sudden recognition as our eyes met, and then she was cumming, harder than anyone I'd ever been with had ever come before, her pussy clenching and grasping at my cock.
It was no use trying to resist as I exploded inside her as well, spurt after spurt as I clutched at her, held her close to me, all the while keeping our eyes locked together, wordless. We were far too far gone to say anything, but she reached up and took my face in her hands and pulled me down to taste her mouth, kissing me deeply with my cock still inside her, twitching with every motion she made. When we finally broke the kiss, we both spoke at once in softly murmured voices.
I said, "That was fucking incredible."
She said, "You're not Claude."
~ End of Part 1 ~