From 4be0afcff7c2f28a480700e27b01c06ce03b9ed1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: andrew willow Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 00:01:29 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Adding a lot of the 2nd chapter of the forest story --- | 22 +++++- | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ index 6dbdea5..3acc3e6 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -186,7 +186,27 @@ I had been working my way through this book on actual paper for basically the ex 2022-12-19 - Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie - +The follow-up to Leckie's Justice, Sword was good, featuring more time with our favorite characters and the fascinating world that Leckie built. But honestly, the plot dragged a lot more since the lead had accomplished all her goals in the first one. I still found something to enjoy, but it's more niche and not quite as compelling as the first novel. Three stars! + +2022-12-23 - Cult Classic by Sloane Crosley + +Another fascinating read by Crosley. Cult Classic follows a disenchanted woman in New York City who runs across all her exes, which she soon learns to be the work of a cult led by her erstwhile boss. I found it touching and clever, and Crosley's writing is always a favorite of mine. It's mean and clever and witty and does just what I want every time. You always get the feeling from her writing that each character is present, with a distinct world going on for every one of them. Four delicious stars, even if I felt that The Clasp was a stronger contender for its driven plot. + +2022-12-24 - Geometry for Ocelots by Exurb1a + +Well, some book has to be the worst one you read in a year, and this one was it for me. Another book club read, I found this book borderline unacceptable. It managed to be racist, misogynistic, and dull all at the same time, with a shitty pointless ending as well. Its scifi worldbuilding was half-baked and often contradictory, its characters were unlovable and annoying... I do not recommend it to anyone. Read literally anything else. Half a star! + +2022-12-25 - The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson + +It took me a while to get into this book, but I eventually came around to it once I realized: it is like a Jane Austen book but set in the 1910s. Once you read it with that thought, it becomes apparent that it is quite effective and really delicious. The characters are interesting and fun, and the challenging time and place of its setting make for a fun story. Effective and beautiful, I liked it and would recommend if you don't mind it being a simple, cute story. Three stars! + +2022-12-25 - Ghost Hunters Adventure Club and the Express Train to Nowhere by Cecil HH Mills + +Another cute, short read by Mills, I thought this book succeeded much better at its simple premise than the first book in the series. It was sillier and delivered more effectively on the promise of absurdism as the titular club investigate a dramatic mystery on a train this time, up against two separate posse's, one of nerds and one of baseball players. Again, definitely a YA offering, but I still found something to love. 2 stars since the writing didn't really improve very much! + +2022-12-28 - Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie + +And I wrapped up with the conclusion to Leckie's Imperial Radch series. In a lot of ways, I thought that this book ought to have been bundled together entirely with the second book, since this is the one that really sees a notable change for our main character. If you liked the other two you'll like this one as well, with Leckie delivering on her lofty goals, if you can get through a bit more pontificating in the second and third books than there was in the first. Three and a half stars! diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a205cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +Author’s Note: All characters in this story are 18 or over. Any resemblance to people (living or dead) is purely coincidental. I was inspired to write this after a (now-not-so-)recent camping trip. Finally returning to this after a lot of personal disruption in my life, including a divorce and a move... It's good to be back. As always, enjoy, and I hope you have as good a time reading this as I had writing it. This is Part 2 of a series. Let's hope I don't have to get divorced again to wrap part 3 up, lol. + +========================================================== + +I lay in my tent, barely breathing, trying to focus on the sounds of Torrence State Park's forest through the mesh walls. I had spent the better part of a day hiking around, communing with the gorgeous fall foliage and breathtaking scenery, but now I could hardly focus, completely entranced by what lay next to me.. + +To my right, a woman's sleeping form lay curled in a spare blanket I'd toted along. The reality of what had just happened was finally sinking in for me. We'd fucked, and it had been fucking incredible for me, and I didn't even know her name. I wish I could say that I felt guilt for the fact I'd been unable to hold back and had finished inside her, bare and unprotected, but nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, I could feel my cock stiffening again already as I thought back on the way I could feel her pussy clenching around me when she came at the last moment, her whole body welcoming me, begging me to lose control inside her. The glint of her eyes as we'd stared into each other's faces, climaxing at the same time, made it somehow feel even more unreal, even more forbidden. + +Somehow I could tell that right before she'd come, she'd realized I wasn't her boyfriend. And that was what pushed her over the edge. I felt my cock twitch, still sticky with our shared juices, and I couldn't help but picturing her tight, perfect cunt, dripping my seed into the lacy panties I'd watched her pull back on in the silence that followed our realization, our orgasms. + +Suddenly, I was struck by another thought. I knew nothing about this woman, and while she rode my cock she'd said something about letting me grab a condom. Was it possible that she wasn't on birth control at all? I couldn't help it as my cock twitched again, imagining her gorgeous form swelling as she carried our baby, tits heavy with milk... I was swept away in a momentary fantasy of a family, kissing her taught belly, touching her everywhere. + +But before I could even slip my hand into my waistband to begin to stroke my ramrod-straight cock, my visitor sighed in her sleep and moved softly and I was transported back to reality. It could never happen. No matter how it'd seemed in the moment, how incredible our physical connection had been, we didn't even know each other. Tomorrow she'd be sobbing to her boyfriend Claude, we'd have to figure out how to unwind this horrible knot that had sprung up from a drunken mistake and my own weakness and inability to force her off me. Plus, the very fact that she'd climbed onto my bare cock unprompted had to mean she must be on the pill, or had an IUD, or... something. + +I rolled onto my back, trying to ignore the soft breathing of my companion, and settled in to try to find my way to sleep. The consequences would have to wait until the morning. + +========================================================== + +I awoke to sunlight peeking through the golden-leafed branches around my campsite. When I'd finally been able to get to sleep, I could tell I'd slept poorly, head foggy and full of half-remembered dreams. For a second I mistook the visitation as one of them, but as I began to sit up, the truth of the experience was immediately apparent. The space where my companion had slept was empty, but unmistakably held the shape of where she'd curled up under that spare blanket. The smell of sex still pervaded the tent, the acid of her pussy mixing with the bitter smell of the semen I knew I'd unloaded inside her. I suppressed a shudder of desire as my brain finally kicked into gear and began to put the new information together. + +So, she'd left. I heaved a sigh but as I began to put on the day's clothes and tidy up the tent, I quickly decided that it should have been obvious that this is what would happen. The desire we'd both felt had been animal, electric, and yet totally impossible to act upon. She could probably weave a plausible enough tale to her boyfriend that would cover up our... meeting?, and we would both walk away none the poorer. It only drove home that my ridiculous fantasy about her condom comments was only that: a ridiculous, impossible fantasy, driven by nothing more than a fight I'd had with my ex, Julia, when I'd suggested that we start a family. It'd been on my mind, so I'd dreamed up all these clues that had felt like they indicated something. + +Ultimately, though, I couldn't think of anything to do but move on, and try to go with the flow. As I started my morning routine, devouring a pair of granola bars and piece of jerky, I struggled to pull my mind away from my mysterious crush, and onto the day before me. There were more trails I hadn't hiked yet, including one that led to a multi-tiered waterfall that was a notable attraction of the park. Maybe after breakfast, I could finally get my mind off my fantasies and strike out on another adventure. The hike was long and would probably take the better part of the day, but I was in good shape. Years of running meant even the longest trails at this park would be no trouble. A spontaneous hike was just what I needed, even after a poor night's sleep. I'd come to this park to find myself, to feel peaceful and centered, and instead I felt muddled up inside and anxious. + +I walked to the bathrooms to brush my teeth before I hit the trails. Opening the door, I heard the showers running in the back, as well as the sound of voices. It seemed two of the party-animal men from next door were having a conversation while they freshened up, hollering loud enough to be heard across the stall walls and the hiss of water. I squeezed a dollop of toothpaste onto my brush. + +"... on a hike? I thought we were just gonna go throw a line in the water while Mary-Kate and Sarah shake their asses for me," one of the men chortled, as I couldn't help but listen in. + +"I know dude. She's always doing shit like this. I've never been with such an unpredictable bitch. And leaving me all alone to fourth-wheel with you and your fucking harem, dude. And you *know* how Sarah's always coming on to me the second her back is turned. And I came to this weekend ready for some dirty shit, you know? I thought for sure she'd want to wake me up with something special. But instead I just wake up to her strapping on her boots and getting right out of the tent." The second voice summoned up a vision of a football crashing through the underbrush. This particular douche must be Claude. Well, that was a good sign. It seemed my nighttime visitor had made it back to camp without her boyfriend even realizing that she'd been away. I couldn't decide if her running off on a hike was a good sign or a bad one. At least it was one less variable to worry about. + +Their locker-room talk moved on, and I snuck out of the bathroom with my routine complete. It was time to move on and stop lurking around. The weather seemed to be shaping up to be beautiful once again, with the sun illuminating the forest floor between the blazing leaves and not a cloud in the sky. The walk to the trailhead for the longer hike was quick and easy, and I was soon on my way. + +========================================================== + +There was only one car parked at the small parking lot for the Alder Trail, a gold cadillac I didn't recognize. The hike was a loop, so I had my choice of two different routes from the parking lot. Without hesitation, I marched towards the nearest one. No sense in stressing. A few slow gusts of wind rattled the dry leaves as I began to wend my way through the forest, under fallen trees and over stones that bore the marks of decades of footfalls. + +I couldn't help but feel a spark of hope in the back of my mind that no amount of rational thinking could put out. She hadn't immediately told her (admittedly douchey) boyfriend, and she was out hiking now. Every time the wind blew, my delusional brain screamed that I'd caught a whiff of the deliciously horny scent that had been my only proof of her existence this morning. No matter what I did, I couldn't help but wondering if she had walked this very trail. This obsession, the animal need I felt for her... It was a hell of a drug. I kept thinking back to the feeling of her beautiful, perky tits in my hands last night, while she had ridden me. + +Snapping back to reality, I tried to focus. I was here for the natural beauty, to get over my ex, not to crush on a rebound fuck so hard that I couldn't think of anything else. Wispy clouds puffed past in the sky as I worked my way forwards, and I pushed the pace, working up a sweat despite the cool fall breeze. My calves burned as I ascended along the burbling creek that must somehow transform into the purported waterfall at the furthest reaches of the hike. Anything to keep my mind off last night. + +As the hike got tougher and tougher, I couldn't help but keep catching hints of movement in the underbrush. A pair of amorous squirrels dashed along a fallen log, tackling each other and chittering rapidly at one point, and I caught myself thinking about the future. I wanted that mix, playful and entranced, obsession balanced with the casual chaos of the forest. Julia had never been right for me, I thought to myself. If I was being honest, towards the end it had almost felt mechanical, as though I was just going through the motions of a relationship, doing what felt like the "right" thing to do, but chafing under the surface. + +The trail dipped into a valley, then seemed to head up even more steeply than anywhere else along the way. My legs burned from the pace I'd kept, nearly a jog at times, when I began to crest the rise and froze. + +In front of me, the path fell away to a wide valley with massive limestone outcroppings that seemed poised to topple over. A brook spilled down them like liquid diamond, dashing itself again and again on each layer of the rocks, til it finally collected in a beautiful, emerald basin down below. The vista took my breath away, but what made me freeze was the figure I spotted on the path just ahead of me. + +It was her. + +She was facing the same way as me and seemed not to have noticed my presence yet, so I couldn't resist the urge to look her up and down once again. Her gorgeous auburn hair was secured in a messy bun, and today she'd donned a cable-knit sweater that bunched up above her pert ass. She wore a different pair of green leggings today that somehow clung to her in a way that had my cock stiffening before I'd even made the choice to ogle her. My heart immediately slammed into overdrive and I pictured the way the sweater would drape over those perfect, perky C-cup tits. Everything seemed to slow down as my wheels spun and my cock stiffened, trying to figure out what to do, how to react. + +However, as I stood there motionless, the option to do anything first disappeared as she turned around. As her eyes met mine, I saw them widen almost imperceptibly, a sure sign of recognition. Her eyebrow quirked up on one side and a sly grin crept across her beautiful face. "Well hello.. I guess we've both surprised each other, now." + +========================================================== + +There was a split-log bench a few meters further down the path and as I stammered something nonsensical about not meaning to interrupt her hike, she laughed and led me to sit down on it. She looked away towards the burbling waterfall, and everything I'd been saying died on my lips. She had a delicate nose and cute, pouty lips that seemed to perfectly complement her auburn hair, and together with the beautiful fall vista, I was nearly overwhelmed with an urge to just reach out and kiss her. + +Instead, I quieted and glanced away from her, unsure where this was going. She seemed distracted too, glancing up and down my lithe frame, from my tousled brown hair to my worn-out hiking boots. For a minute we sat in silence, each of us not sure exactly what to say. + +Finally, she broke the awkward silence. "So, I know last night was a lot. And I don't pretend to know how you feel about it. I..." She swallowed, bit her lip (rather fetchingly), and continued, "If you're upset about anything that happened, I don't blame you. I was practically on top of you... god. I don't know how to do any of this." + +I was in shock. She glanced over at me as I involuntarily let a little nervous laugh escape my lips, as I turned to her. "If I was upset? You're the one who should be upset. I don't know if you noticed, but I am not Claude, who I assume must be your... boyfriend?" She nodded cautiously as I went on, "But me, upset? I thought... I don't know. I wasn't upset at all. If it's not too much to say, I thought it was, well. Fucking incredible, not to put too fine a point on it." + +I saw her lips tighten as she processed the information, looking down at her lap, while I glanced out over the burbling waterfall. We sat like that for a minute, just listening to the gurgling spring trickle over the granite boulders. + +Finally, I looked back at her, and offered my hand to shake. "Look, is there any way we could, say, start over? I'm Victor. And I think you're gorgeous and maybe we could pretend like this was something normal, just two hikers meeting for the first time on the trail." + +She looked up and caught my eye and laughed a little, taking my hand to shake. "Emma. And what a coincidence to meet somebody so early on this fine fall weekend," she played along, a glimmer in her brown eyes. "It's good to... meet you for real." + +I smiled at her. "Exactly. Good to meet you for real." Introductions made, we quickly found a conversational rhythm. I told her about my boring professional job and how this trip was supposed to be a centering myself thing after my relationship fell apart, and she told me about her apartment over a little french restaurant and her own relationship doubts with Claude. + +"He's just... well, I'm sure you could tell from some of the stuff I said last night," she giggled, blushing. "We never really connected in the way I wanted. He's completely terrified of any commitment and anytime I want to do anything with him, I have to practically drag him around if it's anything to do with my friends. And yet he expects me to act like some obedient armcandy as soon as it's his friends planning something. But honestly, the worst part is that it feels like he's just so stuck. Like he's completely inflexible. He's got no sense of adventure." + +I nodded soberly. "Now that, I can absolutely relate to." + +The conversation continued like that for a while, chatting about our lives, but before long the pauses started to get longer between sentences, and it wasn't long before I realized why. I could feel it in the topics we each brought up, circling the topic like planets spinning around the sun. Finally, in one of the pauses, she sighed. "Look, Victor. I like you, I really do. I like you a lot. But... I don't think this is working. We can't just ignore what happened. Or at least... I don't think I want to. I think you felt it too, last night, right before I," she swallowed and looked down shyly, "right before I came for you. So can we quit pretending and--" + +Before she could even finish the sentence, I reached for her chin and pulled her adorable lips to mine, and then we were kissing. Our tongues danced off each other, hands grasping for each other hungrily while we gave in to the sparking energy between us. It was electrifying to be with her on that bench, every inhale a lightning bolt that lit up every nerve ending in pleasure. My hands roamed over her leggings, tracing slow curls up her inner thighs, and she let out a moan of longing as I let each touch skim further and further towards her core. My cock hardened with anticipation as I couldn't help but picture her wetness and the possibility of touching her there once again. She moved with me, our legs pressing as she tried to nestle towards me on the bench, craving every touch, seemingly swept up in the tsunami of pleasure same as I was. + +A murmured assent and another moan of pleasure, and I was slipping my hands beneath her loose sweater, playing with her perfect breasts while we tasted one another. She wore nothing beneath the sweater, just the traces of sweat from the hike, and I felt my cock somehow swell even further, straining against the fabric of my boxer briefs. With one hand teasing around her areolas, I pushed a hand into her waistband, deliberately leaving it over her smooth, satin panties. She gasped as I let my fingers tease her there, and I felt her hips shift, trying to press for more. We kissed recklessly, roughly, urgently, with that perfect desperation that only comes from hunger for each other. I felt a telltale damp spot in the fabric I touched, tracing circles around her most sensitive places, letting her shudder and moan with anticipation. + +Finally, we surfaced together, and I withdrew my hand from her waistband, drawing shaky breaths together. The silence was no longer awkward but instead seemed charged with something more, as she looked up at me with something that seemed to be coyness mixed with wonder. I understood, though, my heart still beating like a thunderous drum in my chest. Last night was no fluke, not just the forbidden fruit of a misunderstanding, a surprise encounter; instead, it felt like last night's drunken fumblings had been subdued, groggy acts. This was the real thing, and as we caught our breath, it was obvious she felt the same thing. The explosive desire was controlling us, carrying us along like boats in a rapids. + +Emma glanced up and down the track, and suddenly I was struck by how exposed we were here. Any hiker could conceivably stumble upon us here, and we'd been making out a moment ago like desperate high-school lovers. Yet instead of concern, I felt something deep inside me tingle, almost hoping that someone would happen along, if only to prove that this was really happening. + +"Wow." She grinned mischievously. "I really hope you feel that too. That is exactly what I meant when I said I wanted to stop pretending. Is it crazy to say that like, I don't think I've ever experienced... anything quite like that before." + +I shook my head. "Me neither." + +"I think when we get back to camp, I need to have a conversation with Claude. It's not working out," she said with a little laugh, "and he never got even close to making me cum without even getting in my panties. You've got fucking magic fingers." + +I smiled, a blush heating my cheeks as well. "Are you saying we should head back?" + +"Well, we could head back, I suppose. Or... We could not," she said, glancing up and down the path, a smirk playing along her lips. "There's something I've been thinking about trying ever since last night, if you're ok staying a bit longer." + +My cock throbbed, but I couldn't help but look down the winding path again. "I am, but. What if someone comes along?" + +She laughed lightly. "They won't, and besides. What if I like that?" Her eyes glittered and she kissed me languorously. + +Leaning in towards me, she reached down and began undoing the button and zipper on my shorts as she murmured, "If someone comes past and sees me sucking your cock, what would even happen? Is it so wrong to want to be seen taking you in my mouth, pleasing you, being a good girl for you?" She clasped my hard shaft, running a thumb around in slow circles on the damp spot my precum had marked at my very tip. I twitched with every word, letting loose a low moan of my own as she toyed with my cock in her hand. + +"No, I think you want it just as bad as I do, daddy," she teased, slipping her hand into the obliging waistband of my underwear. "I bet when I start sucking you off right here, if someone comes by, I bet instead of being ashamed you'd lose control and cum in your good little girl's mouth." Her lips were brushing my ear as she said this, fingers now toying with my sticky precum and running it along the length of my shaft as she jerked me off. "I bet you'd twitch and I'd see your eyes rolling back in your head while you finished. I'd gag and choke on your sloppy cum, filling my mouth up, your nasty little baby making you explode all over her soft little tongue. I bet you'd love that, to make whoever walks past witness me being your dirty little girl, mouth dripping with proof that she's yours." + +With that, she pulled my waistband down, and ran her tongue over my tip, tasting me. Spit dripped from her lips as she dove down and let me slide all the way into her mouth, bending over me as my hands tangled in her hair. She bobbed up and down and the sensation exploded through my body, nearly pushing me over the edge from the very first stroke. Her tongue was magic, swirling around my tip while she sucked, taking my full seven inches all the way down her little throat. I moved beneath the assault, groaning and thrusting, breath coming in ragged gasps as she overwhelmed my senses with pleasure. I felt my balls tensing, an orgasm building from deep down inside me, desperate to do just what she'd described, when she suddenly paused, just before I hit the point of no return. + +"I can feel that you're close, baby, but no matter how bad you want it, you can't do that," she said with a pouty affect. + +I groaned with frustration, but immediately began to run my hands back towards her waistband, which she welcomed. She shifted to sit so one of my legs was up on the bench with her nestled between my legs, letting my wet, hard cock slip beneath her sweater so I rubbed against her back while I slipped my hands back into her waistband, finding her sopping wet slit to tease. + +Despite my continuation, though, a shot of fear and doubt tore through me as she'd paused. This was exactly the sort of thing that had characterized my past relationships; Julie had always acted like she was into more than she'd actually been ready for. This felt nothing like that, but I couldn't understand why she'd stopped me, why she'd tell me no when it was so clear that I wanted her. + +As she began to moan with pleasure beneath my fingers, I leaned down to her ear to tease her the same way she'd played with me. "Oh, is my poor little babygirl too shy to let me fill your perfect little mouth with my cum? You don't want to be caught with my seed in you there, let them watch you swallow my load and know how naughty you've been?" + +She squirmed under my fingers, moaning, pushing for more against me. I increased the pressure of my fingertips from a teasing lightness to a more intense touch, toying with her clit, and she gasped. "Victor, oh my god, I'm cumming for you baby," she said, pressing her head to my chest as I continued to play with her. + +As her spasms calmed, I shifted from behind her to pull her underwear and leggings down, exposing her beautiful center to the air for all to see. I glanced quickly down the trail--still deserted--and then dived in, pressing my tongue to her. She tasted delicious, her pussy tangy and intoxicating, the perfect combination of musk and lightness. I teased around her lips and slowly inserted a finger into her while I began to lick her clit, first teasing then more intent. My efforts yielded ever more moans and gasps, and I curled the finger inside her to firmly press inside her, as well. + +The pleasure was clearly building as I played with her, but as she began to moan more insistently, I lifted my head to glance back at her. "Should I tease you too, baby? If I'm not allowed to fill your perfect little mouth, maybe I shouldn't let you cum on my tongue, either." + +She moaned with frustration, grasping my head and pulling me back down to taste her again. I couldn't resist and switched from a narrow stroke with my tongue to a larger, heavier stroke, and she gasped as she tried to respond. "Baby it's not that I don't want my mouth full of you, of course you can have my mouth if that's what you want," she said, glancing down as another shake wracked her body, on the verge of orgasm. As my strokes got more intense, I reached up and toyed with her nipple, and she let out a quiet yelp as she came. It seemed to overtake her whole body and she murmured "Fuck!" under her breath as she shook. + +When she had finished, I slowed my pace and pulled back. "What do you mean, if I want? Of course I want that, Emma." + +"Are you sure?" She yanked her clothes off, tossing them to the ground behind a large, nearby boulder, and I quickly followed her lead. She leaned seductively against the stone and i quickly darted off the path to join her, leaning over her. Her naked form was even more stunning than I'd comprehended, her perky C-cup tits perfectly complimenting her curvy hips and tight ass. "Cause what I've been thinking about is you inside me again, Victor. I need your cock so fucking bad." + +I ran my hands down her, cupping her ass to lift her, press her against the stone, when suddenly a final wave of fear passed through me. "Fuck. I just realized, I don't have any protection. Are you..." + +She looked down at my thick, bare cock, and shook her head. "I'm not on anything... so you really shouldn't finish inside me. But is there any way you could... take me now, a little at least?" + +A thrill shot up through me suddenly, realizing what that meant. Somehow, she'd let me finish inside her already, bare and unprotected, last night. + +Before I could think much more about that, though, I was nodding, a promise already escaping my lips. "That makes sense. I'll make sure to pull out, I need you so fucking bad," I murmured. A final doubt flicked across my mind and I glanced down at a building bead of precum that collected at the tip of my steely shaft. "We don't have to do this. I don't want to make you worried if you're not..." + +She bit her lip as she eyed me worriedly. "I mean... I am worried, but I just... Victor, this is so fucking good," she whispered. "I can't stop with just this. I need you in me. Just be sure not to finish inside me. Warn me if you get too close." + +"Of course," I promised, my lips nearly brushing her ear as I lifted her. + +My cock slid into her soaked pussy, the tightness enveloping me and nearly pushing me over the edge already, forcing me to pause as I bottomed out inside her. She moaned against my neck, and I held her, still pressed up against the massive boulder, just out of sight of the trail. A second, forbidden surge of pleasure rocked through me like a tidal wave as I pictured the bubble of precum I'd just smeared all the way through this beautiful woman's fertile pussy. + +"You feel so fucking good like this, Emma," I said, slowly beginning to move inside her, as I struggled to regain control. She was so tight, so warm, and she felt so good as I ground slow circles with my cock pressed all the way inside of her, our pubic bones pressed all the way up against each other. She + +My cock shuddered and a bead of precum dripped from its already sodden length. + + + + + + + +