1. drive up, brothers disconnected. Hitchhiker is ignored. 2. Arrival and warning 3. Brothers exploring, disagreeing on which paths they are on. Quickly become confused and lost and try to retrace steps 4. The return cut short, the waters rise 5. The paths swerve and twist until the brothers are forced to shelter in a cave. something else is down there. They confront their resentments. They split up. 6. The poor brother finds an orchard of rotting fruit 7. The rich brother finds a destroyed town, burned to the foundations. 8. They arrive on the peak of the mountain and can see a clear path, and the lowered river from the top 9. The path allows them to leave but their car has been broken into 10. They ride back with the wind on their faces. This time they accept a hitchhiker and travel back to civilization. Brotherly Disagreements: * (Duncan) One has thrown away what he had, withdrawn from the world * A narrow shard of a boy with a shock of brown hair. He wears patagonia + vintage boots. * (Theo) Another has never had what he needed, always drowning, aspiring only to reach that which the other has cast aside. * A heavier boy, muscles across his lank frame. His hair is sandy blonde and always straw-like and dry. He wears a carhartt jacket, cheap trainers, worn jeans that show the places his phone have pushed against the fabric. 1